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Home - New Zealand

New Zealand

Why study in New Zealand?

  • All eight of New Zealand's universities are consistently ranked in the QS World Rankings* and Times Higher Education, and any degree is recognized worldwide, opening the door to prospects anywhere in the world. The New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) also ensures that registered schools enrol international students and comply with qualification standards.
  • Influenced by the British education system, New Zealand focuses on research-based teaching, meaning you'll learn to deal with situations in a systematic and organized manner. You will learn to work independently as well as in groups at different levels. Studying here will encourage you to think critically, ask questions, and benefit from student-teacher interaction.
  • New Zealand offers many research opportunities for students. The country prides itself on experienced faculty, well-equipped laboratories, and access to the latest technology, equipment, and opportunities. Its innovative spirit has made it a centre of new technology, research, and development in various fields such as medical, physics, geology, engineering, astronomy, IT, agriculture, etc.
  • Along with the vast research opportunities, as a PhD student you would enjoy additional privileges. You’ll be eligible to pay the same tuition fee as locals and unlike other degree students, you can work full-time during your studies.
  • New Zealand offers a wonderfully multicultural environment that exists in perfect harmony with the country's outdoor lifestyle. With a full range of natural landscapes from snow-capped mountains and fuming volcanoes to rolling green hills, golden sandy beaches and lush rainforests, New Zealand screams passion, travel, enthusiasm. Living here gives every student the opportunity to thrive at the same time as cultural diversity and natural beauty.

Student Visa requirements in New Zealand

Here's a general overview of the typical student visa requirements for New Zealand:

  • Offer of Acceptance: You must have an offer of acceptance or letter of enrolment from a New Zealand education institution approved by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA).
  • Tuition Fees and Funds: You need to provide evidence that you have sufficient funds to cover your tuition fees, living expenses, and return transportation.
    If you are in New Zealand when you apply for your Student Visa, provide evidence you have paid your tuition fees, e.g., a tuition fee receipt.
    If you are outside New Zealand when you apply, you can choose to pay your tuition fees after your visa application has been approved in principle (AIP). If you are intending to use the AIP process, then you need to provide evidence that you have the money available to pay your tuition fees. After the visa has been approved in principle you pay your tuition fees and provide INZ with the receipt.
    Evidence that you have funds available to live on while you are in New Zealand and where these funds have come from. These funds must be genuinely available for you to use to pay your living expenses while you are in New Zealand and be from a genuine and verifiable source.
    If you are studying for 36 weeks or more, you must provide evidence that you have at least NZ$15,000 (minus any prepaid living expenses1) per year available to live on while you are studying in New Zealand. If you are studying for fewer than 36 weeks in total, you must provide evidence that you have at least NZ$1,250 (minus any prepaid living expenses) per month of study available to live on while you are in New Zealand.
  • Health and Travel Insurance: You're required to have comprehensive health and travel insurance for the duration of your stay in New Zealand.
  • Character Requirements: You might need to provide a police certificate from your home country or any country you've lived in for more than five years, along with a statement of good character.
  • English Language Proficiency: Depending on your course and education provider, you might need to meet specific English language proficiency requirements. This could include taking an English language test such as IELTS, TOEFL, or other approved tests.
  • Health Check: Depending on your length of stay and the country you're coming from, you might need to undergo a medical examination and chest X-ray to ensure you meet New Zealand's health requirements.
  • Genuine Intent: You'll need to show that you have a genuine intention to study in New Zealand, including providing a statement of purpose explaining your study plans and how they relate to your future goals.
  • Biometric Information: You may need to provide biometric information (fingerprints and photograph) as part of the application process, depending on your nationality.

Cost of living

The cost of living in New Zealand can vary depending on factors such as location, lifestyle choices, and individual preferences.

  • Accommodation: Accommodation costs can vary significantly based on whether you're living in a city or a smaller town and whether you're renting a room in a shared house, a private apartment, or a student hostel. On average, you might expect to pay around NZD $200 to $400 per week for rent. Auckland tends to have higher rent compared to other cities.
  • Food: Grocery costs can also vary, but on average, you might spend around NZD $70 to $150 per week on groceries, depending on your eating habits and dietary preferences.
  • Transportation: Public transportation costs vary based on location and usage. A monthly public transportation pass in a city like Auckland might cost around NZD $140 to $200. If you plan to own a car, you'll need to budget for fuel, insurance, and maintenance as well.
  • Utilities: This includes electricity, heating, water, and internet. On average, utilities can cost around NZD $150 to $250 per month.
  • Healthcare and Insurance: Healthcare costs can vary, and having health insurance is recommended. If you're an international student, your education provider might require you to have comprehensive health insurance coverage.
  • Miscellaneous Costs: This category includes expenses for entertainment, clothing, personal care, and other miscellaneous items. The monthly budget for these expenses could be around NZD $100 to $200.

Intakes in New Zealand

The universities in New Zealand generally have two intakes in a year, January- February, and July- August. However, a few universities have intakes in September and November as well.

Popular courses in New Zealand

New Zealand offers a diverse range of popular courses that cater to various academic interests and career goals. The various popular courses are- Business and Management, Information Technology and Computer Science, Engineering, Health Sciences, Hospitality and Tourism Management, Agriculture and Veterinary Science, Environmental Science and Conservation, Creative Arts and Design, Education and Teaching an Science and Research.

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