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Professional Year Course

Navigating Work Life in a Foreign Land: The Significance of the Professional Year Course

Moving to a foreign country necessitates time to settle and adjust to a different lifestyle, and this adaptation extends to workplaces as well. New working styles and time management become key priorities in this context. Familiarizing yourself with the work culture, colleagues, and effective interaction becomes crucial, particularly in professional industries.

Wouldn't it be beneficial to gain firsthand experience of working in a genuine Australian work environment?

This is where the Professional Year course proves valuable. If you have completed your studies in Accounting, IT, or Engineering, you are eligible for this course. The experienced team at Pioneer Global can assist you in enrolling in the Professional Year program offered by the leading providers in Australia.


In order to provide you with the maximum benefits of the Professional Year course, we collaborate with our partners to offer distinctive and effective approaches to support our clients. With the valuable expertise gained over the years, we guide our clients in selecting the most suitable provider according to their specific needs and career goals.

Through our strong and enduring partnerships, we have gained a competitive advantage over others by providing enhanced value to our clients. This allows us to offer additional benefits to them, setting us apart from our competitors.

We have assisted hundreds of Clients in enrolling in the PY Course.

Engineering graduates who have fulfilled their degree requirements at an accredited institution outside Australia are eligible to participate in the Professional Year Program for Engineering if they hold a Subclass 476 Skilled – Recognised Graduate visa.

Why Undertake a Professional Year Course in Australia?

The Professional Year Courses have been purposefully developed to enhance the employability of international graduates aspiring to work in Australia, facilitating a seamless transition from student to professional life.

Each course focuses on honing business communication skills and adapting to the business culture and environment.

Completing the Professional Year Course offers several advantages:

  1. You can claim five migration points for your permanent residency application.
  2. You receive a career-specific internship placement, aligned with your field of expertise.
  3. The program enhances your career prospects within your chosen educational domain.
  4. You have opportunities to expand your professional network by connecting with industry experts and peers.
  5. The potential to secure a white-collar job in an Australian company is heightened.

Are you Eligible for a Professional Year Program in Australia?

The Professional Year course consists of a 44-week program that includes a 12-week internship integrated into the course. Each Professional Year course has specific requirements, outlined as follows:

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (ACS) Professional Year in Australia

  • Successfully complete a recognized IT degree in Australia (either Bachelors or Masters).
  • Hold or apply for a Graduate Visa (subclass 485) with a minimum validity of 12 months.

ACCOUNTING (SMIPA) Professional Year in Australia

  • Successfully complete a recognized Accounting degree in Australia, either at the Bachelors or Masters level.
  • Must hold or apply for a Graduate Visa (subclass 485) with a minimum validity of 12 months.
  • Attain a valid minimum overall PTE-A score of 50, with no individual band score below 50, or achieve an IELTS score of 6.0 with no less than 6.0 in all four competencies, valid for three years, or provide an equivalent language proficiency certification.

ENGINEERING (EEA) Professional Year in Australia

  • Obtain a recognized bachelor's or master's qualification in Engineering from an Australian institution. However, for training visa holders (476), an Australian qualification is not mandatory.
  • Have a valid English test score meeting the minimum requirements.
  • Hold either a Bridging Visa (485) or a skilled graduate temporary visa (subclass 485).
  • Possess a Migration Skills Assessment outcome letter issued by Engineers Australia.

Considering starting your PY course?

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