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Pramod K Rai

Pramod K Rai

Chief Operating Officer -Qualified Education Counsellor (QEAC-V135)

Master of Information Technology, Bachelor Of Commerce, Graduate Certificate in Deployment Logistics, ASIC RG 146 Tier 2 Advisor, QEAC -V135

Pramod K Rai

At Pioneer Global Education and Migration Services, we are fortunate to have an exceptional Qualified Education Counselor who brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to assist students in their educational journeys. With a well-rounded academic and professional background, he is an invaluable resource for students looking to pursue their dreams in various fields.

Having completed a Masters in Information Technology, he possesses a deep understanding of diverse IT concepts, ranging from software development to systems analysis and network administration. This comprehensive knowledge equips him to guide students interested in technology-related careers, providing them with insights into the latest trends and industry demands.

Alongside his IT expertise, he holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree, which gives him a solid grounding in business principles, finance, and economics. This unique combination of IT and commerce knowledge allows him to offer comprehensive counseling to students interested in pursuing careers that blend technology and business, such as financial technology (FinTech) or e-commerce.

Furthermore, his Graduate Certificate in Deployment Logistics reflects his commitment to continuous learning and honing specialized skills. This qualification enables him to advise students considering opportunities in supply chain management, logistics, and operations, guiding them on the necessary steps to succeed in these dynamic fields.

With an impressive career spanning over 15 years, he has held various prominent positions in big multinational financial institutions and insurance companies. This extensive experience provides him with invaluable insights into the requirements and expectations of employers in these industries. As a result, he can guide students on the skills and qualifications that are highly sought after, helping them tailor their education to meet industry demands.

Notably, he has also acquired several IT certifications in Database Management, Web Development, and Digital Certificate, showcasing his dedication to staying updated with the latest technologies and industry practices. This commitment enables him to provide cutting-edge advice to students pursuing careers in IT and related domains.

As a Qualified Education Counselor, his role is pivotal in shaping the academic and professional futures of aspiring students. With his broad knowledge base and extensive experience in different industries, he can cater to a diverse range of students with varying interests and aspirations.

His passion for education and guidance, coupled with his rich background, ensures that students receive personalized and relevant advice tailored to their unique career goals. Students working with him can rest assured that they are receiving the utmost support and insights to make informed decisions about their academic pursuits.

In conclusion, the Qualified Education Counselor at Pioneer Global Education and Migration Services is an exceptional professional with a strong foundation in IT, commerce, and logistics. With over 15 years of experience in big multinational financial institutions and insurance companies, along with various IT certifications, he is an invaluable asset in guiding students towards successful and fulfilling careers.

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