Home - Shreyat



Business Associate Queensland

Education Consultant


We are thrilled to introduce Shreyat, our Business Associate, who hails from the beautiful state of Queensland. Shreyat brings a wealth of knowledge and experience that will undoubtedly enrich our dynamic team.

Shreyat is a graduate in Information Technology, a field that constantly evolves and reshapes the world as we know it. His technical prowess and innovative thinking will be instrumental in pioneering cutting-edge solutions for our clients. Whether it's assisting with IT-related queries, streamlining processes, or finding innovative solutions to complex problems, Shreyat's IT background is a true asset that will benefit our clients.

In addition to his IT expertise, Sheryat also holds a diploma in Community Service. This background showcases his dedication to making a positive impact on the lives of individuals and communities. He brings a unique perspective on how we can contribute to society through our work. Shreyat's skills in community service enable him to understand our clients on a deeper level, ensuring that their specific needs and concerns are addressed with compassion and care.

Shreyat's combined skill set, spanning Information Technology and Community Service, makes him a perfect fit for our team and our mission. He is well-equipped to provide holistic support to our clients, making their journey with Pioneer Global as seamless and successful as possible.

As we embark on this journey together, we look forward to Shreyat's unique perspective, fresh ideas, and his commitment to providing top-notch services to our clients. With his help, we are confident that our clients will receive the highest level of support and expertise.

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